Eagle AIVA
Artificial Intelligence Virtual Agent (AIVA)
For Enterprise Customers Only
AIVA is designed to help you automate your processes with virtual agents. Imagine the customer experience you can provide with virtual agents. EagleAIVA can help you implement your possible Q&A all the way to programming the needed intents.
AIVA can handle from simple to complex tasks as it learns your business. From a simple database look up of customer information, looking for delivery dates or payment information to a more complicated product-based tech support.
AIVA uses Google or AWS AI engines for it’s programming needs. This service is scalable where you can have a low to high volume calls simultaneously. Talk to us about how your application can be scaled using AI algorithms. Your AI-Virtual Agent is always available 24/7.
External Data Base
Look Ups
Auto SMS
payment Links
Bill Payment
Take-out orders
Employee records
Prescription orders
Direct link to web payment text/sms messages
Technical support lines with auto fall back to an agent.
Submit this form and we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible.
142 E, 39th Street, NY, NY 10016
Our ever-growing client base includes businesses within
healthcare, pharmaceutical, financial, real estate, art, music, and education.